CSR Policy

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

1. Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

CSR refers to the way in which businesses regulate themselves in order to ensure that all their activities positively affect society as a whole. CSR policies aim to guarantee that companies work ethically, considering human rights as well as the social, economic, and environmental impacts of what they do as a business. Businesses should meet, and aim to exceed, any relevant legislation, and if legislation does not exist in a particular area, the company should ensure they carry out best practices anyway.

Lundqvist Rederierna is committed to ensuring that any business undertakings are conducted as ethically as possible by following the below policy.

2. Who we are and what we do

With more than 60 years in the oil transportation business we have a high level of expertise, knowledge and experience as well as long standing customer relations.

In conducting our business, the company follows all applicable national and international laws and regulations as well as the vast number of special requirements. That means acting transparently, responsibly, in integrity and in accordance with our values, where company sustainable practices are part of the company social responsibility. We strive towards the highest level of excellence which for us is expressed as: no harm to people and no damage to the environment.

3. Looking after Employees

We are committed to the well-being and continual development of our people, to continue cultivating and sustaining a workplace where employees are appreciated and valued, where each employee has a clear understanding of their role and how they contribute to the business.

We ensure that all employees are offered the opportunity for development based on their interests and talents within the business which includes relevant training and consistent touchpoints, offering tangible progression targets.

We operate a meritocracy, where all employees are recognised and rewarded based on their performance, effort, contribution, and achievements.

We expect our employees to act with integrity towards one another and exercise a high standard of business practice and workmanship. We support diversity, fairness and equal opportunities and aim to involve and consult regularly with employees as to the direction of the business.

4. Looking after Customers

We aim to build long term and meaningful relationships with our customers and stakeholders, ensuring we fully understand objectives, meet requirements, and exceed expectations. We aim to give fair value, consistent quality, and reliability. We aim to have the highest professional and ethical standards, and pledge to be honest, open, and transparent in all our interactions with our customers.

5. Suppliers’ Standards

We aim to create and maintain strong relationships with key suppliers and contractors. We aim to choose suppliers who share our ethos in relation to employment practices, quality, and environmental controls. We have well established vetting processes in place to ensure we engage with companies and/or individuals committed to maintaining best practice.

6. Health and Safety

We are committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all our activities, and to promoting a health and safety culture which focusses on maintaining the highest standards adhering to health and safety requirements. We are committed to ensuring that our employees are happy and healthy at work so they can enjoy their time with their loved ones. This commitment extends to our relationships with customers and suppliers.

We have an extensive Health and Safety Policy which is annually reviewed, updated, and communicated to all employees.

7. Protecting the Environment

We are aware of our environmental impact as a business and have taken, and will continue to take, appropriate steps to mitigate this impact. This includes implementing an environmental and sustainability policy which is reviewed annually and updated as appropriate and required. We set environmental objectives and targets, employ procedures, and provide training to ensure our employees and contractors understand their environmental responsibilities and can seek to improve our environmental performance.

We are committed to reducing our environmental impact by encouraging greener transport, recycling where possible, and working with suppliers and contractors who share the same environmental values as ourselves, and by ensuring compliance with all appropriate legislation.

8. Community Engagement

We recognise and understand the significance of the local community within which we operate. We aim to enhance our contribution to the community by being sensitive to the needs of local people and groups.

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